
Showing posts from January, 2023

SH72465 DB-8A/3N ‘Outnumbered and Fearless’ in 1/72 - box contents

   The 1/72 SH72465 DB-8A/3N ‘Outnumbered and Fearless’ kit set is due for release this February, among other model kits and sets. Beside the styrene parts, his reboxing also offers a resin cast bomb rack and a fret of etches. The colour schemes were published here .   And also buy the separate available mask set M72045. Both the kit and the masks are to become avaiable on 10 Feb.

SH48225 AF-2 Guardian ‘Fire Bomber’ in 1/48 - Boxart

  Standa Hájek is back again with another of his fabulous box arts. And yes it is a bomber aircraft, though a civilian one at the same time. The ex-Navy Guardians when their career with the military had finally been over were transfered, well only a few of them, to civilian users. The Guardian is the largest single-engine, piston engine aircraft to have ever flown from an aircraft carrier - and so the airframe offers a really big payload and long range, which are the necessary attributes for a successful fire bomber aeroplane. 

The Exhibition Zetor - a neatly built 1/48 8062 Zetor 25 by Martin Pfeifer

 Martin has built for us the 1/48  8062 Zetor 25   ‘Agricultural Version’tractor model.  And as it is meant to be displayed at the Nuremberg Toy and Model Fair, we would not like it covered in dung and mud - hence the sheen all over. Well but we do understand if you prefer your Zetor finished as if after a long and very busy day at the fields...

SH72367 P-40D Warhawk / Kittyhawk Mk.I in 1/72 - makring schemes and decal sheet

 The 1(72 SH72367 P-40D Warhawk / Kittyhawk Mk.I is a limited re-release of Special Hobby's P-40 fighter aeroplane kit set. It covers four machines of this not very often kitted version. Along with a rather biggish sheet of decals, the kit also offers 3D-printed underwing bulges different from those of the six gun version and also a photo-etched template as a scribing aid.

Not exactly a tiny model, is it? - the 1/48 HML007 Messerschmitt Me 323E-1 Gigant Upgrade

The 1/48 scale  HML007 Messerschmitt Me 323E-1 Gigant multimedia model kit was on offer for quite a long time. The main parts of this model were made of fibre laminate joined with injected styrene smaller parts, white metal details, resin parts, vacuformed clear parts, etches and decals. When we ran out of the stocks with this model, we did not plan to re-release it again and the kit was taken out of the offer. Because of recent demand mainly from abroad, we are returning the model back to the offer now, as kit no. HML007 , differing in some aspects from the original one. The white metal parts have now been replaced by baked (hardened) PX resin components and the whole and rather intrigue engine assembly has been designed using 3D cad/cam technology, thus offering greater levels of details and resembles the original assembly much closer. The six engine units are also much easier to build now. However, this really monstrous model is not for everyone and not just because of the price...

An upscaled Zetor 25 - the box contents of the 1/48 scale 8062 Zetor 25 ‘Agricultural Version ’ kit

Following the 1/72 scale  Zetor 15 ( MV127 ) and Zetor 25 tractors ( MV 128 , MV129 ), let us now show you their bigger cousin, the 1/48 Zetor 25. The  8062  Zetor 25 ‘Agricultural Version’ kit set contains detail resin cast parts, clear resin items, a fret of etches and decals - well as you can see for yourselves in the images below....