
Showing posts from October, 2017

Mila Hraban and his Ten Tempests

A bit like some still unfinished TV saga is the story of Mila Hraban and his collection of Special Hobby Tempest models. Until now, he has finished as many as ten of them and still counting on. In the series of photos below we can admire his complete Tempest family. The unpainted model with open wing armament bays was left this way and served to show all CMK Tempest resin sets available at the time, the other unpainted kit is currently being finished. And Mila says he is about to start with a number Eleven.

PLT264 - FFVS J-22 in 1/48 - Jean-Luc Formery’s finished model

   As one of the most recent additions to our Planet Models line of resin scale kits has been chosen the Swedish FFVS J-22 fighter flying in the WW2 era. The acronym FFVS stood for "Royal Air Administration Aircraft Factory in Stockholm" and the J-22 was designed as an alternative to never delivered fighter aeroplanes of US origin and went to serve with the Flygvapnet to protect the neutrality status of Sweden throughout the 40s and 50s.       Our resin model kit offers also a photo-etched fret, white metal undercarriage legs, vacuum-formed clear canopy hood and an armoured glass made of clear resin. Now we have the opportunity to share with you a very nice photo series of a model built by Jean-Luc Formery. He has also written a build review which will be published in January issue of SAM Magazine.

SH72370 HAL Ajeet in 1/72 - side profiles

Our November release, the 1/72 HAL Ajeet will have these camouflage options:

1/72 P-40 kits - boxarts revealed

Standa Hajek, an extremely talented artist and our long-time collaborator, has recently finished boxarts for the first two P-40 kits which are to hit the market later this year. The very first P-40 release will be the P-40N version ( SH72374), shortly followed by the Kittyhawk Mk.Ia (SH72377). The Special Hobby team are also working on several resin upgrade sets for the P-40 family, these will be available under our CMK label.

SH72344 CASA C.212-100 - camouflage shemes and decal sheet

As the first CASA C.212-100 release date approaches, we have some more things now to show you. So, here are the scheme options selected fot the first kit and the decal sheet, the other with some really nice tail arts are to follow quite soon. We hope you like it and we are glad to announce here that the tail artwork on the decal sheet will be painted by the master Standa Hajek himself. SH72376 “Portuguese Tailart”   SH72344

SH72329 Delta 1D/E in 72nd scale - fuselage sprue

Today, we have started moulding the fuselage halves for our November new kit, the Aussie and US version of the famous Delta aircraft. Happy to be able to bring you the first pics here.

#9 and #10 1/32 Tempest models by Mila Hraban

Unbelievable, but it’s true, in the space of only several months, our friend and truly magnificent model builder Mila Hraban has finished his ninth and tentth Special Hobby Tempest in 1/32 scale. And he doesn’t seem to get satisfied with this score, there is apparently much more to admire from him soon.