
Showing posts from December, 2020

New Duke Hawkins books on offer - DH015 F-4E/F/EJ Phantom II and DH016 SIAI Marchetti SF-260

 Two more breathtaking Duke Hawkins publications are available via our eshop, it is DH015 Phantom II F-4E/F/EJ and DH016 SIAI Marchetti SF-260 . While the Phantom book is over about 1cm fat (as is the C-130 book), the SF-260 is a bit slimmer.

Bf 109E-4 in 1/72 built by Merry Kit Builder Jan Simon

 This Messerschmitt Bf 109E4 was the first Emil (or at least the first one we knew of) to be built outside of our team, the modeller responsible for this wee beauty is Jan Simon, a member of the Merry Kit Builders Club. The kit took him just seven days to complete and we believe Jan did a fabulous job. 

Mirage F.1BQ in 1/72, an Iranian model built by an Iranian model maker

 Belgium-based Iranian modeller Alireza Beigi has shared with the SH blog readers this couple of images of his 1/72 Mirage F.1BQ built from Duo Pack SH72414 Mirage F.1 kit. Many thanks go to Alireza!

Rather Tiny Thing - or the SIAI Marchetti SF-260AM in 1/72 built by Petr Filip

 The Merry Kit Builders Club member Petr Filipi made himself something quite tiny, orangeish and rather nice... What might it be? Nothing else than the diminutive 1/72 scale SF-260AM wearing the orange coat of Italian air force trainers. The model is built using Special Hobby SH72418 kit, and a set of pre-cut masks is also available, item no. M72011 .

SH72430 Focke Wulf Fw 189B-0/B-1 - a new scheme option added

 In one of our October posts, we showed you the paint schemes which would come with the upcoming Fw 189B-0/B-1 release. There were just two of them and one with a tiny glitch. But now, with huge thanks to one of our fans, we have got copies of until  now unknown photos of one more example of this twin-boom Luftwaffe aircraft, and what is more, that machine was seen nowehere else than in Prague, to be more precise at Prag-Rusin airfield. We simply had no other option than to make the schemes not two, but three instead, offering the modeller this interesting ship as well. 

SH72270 Tachikawa Ki-54Hei boxart - new model coming soon

 Standa Hajek, the author of many fabulous boxarts you will already know from Special Hobby kits, has finished his latest one now, depicting the Japanese Ki-54Hei (Ki-54c) twin engined transport, anti-submarine and training aircraft. The type was built in four versions and saw service during the Second world war. A handful of captured machines found themselves flying with several other air forces in the post-war years, too. All the produced version will be released, one by one, in the future, wearing markings of all operators. Now, this boxart is to adorn the first released kit, item no. SH72270.    The machine shown in the amazing painting is known as the Lake Ghost. The machine, production number 5541 flew with Sentai 38, and on 27 September 1943 made a crash landing on Lake Towada, following a engine trouble during a flight from Noshiro base to Hachinohe. The machine sunk, taking with her three members of the crew to the deeps. Only the fourth one luckily survived. The...

A pair of nocturnal Meteors built by Patrick Branly

 Patrick, our French pal, superb modeller and aviation historian as well has been so very kind as to share with you, readers of our blog, a couple of images of his latest Meteor builds. He chose  A.W. Meteor NF Mk.11 SH72358 and  A.W.Meteor NF Mk.12 SH72360 kits and finished them in his usual fabulous manner. Judge for yourselves. Cheers for the pics, Patrick!

German Ace H. Wick`s Bf-109E-4 Stipple Camouflage Scheme Decals

 This special sheet of decals featuring the delicate and intricate-looking stipple camouflage pattern as used on Wick's Emil is the very first in the upcoming new range of decals tailored for the Special Hobby's Messerschmitt Bf 109E kits. This sheet is already done and available via our eshop. More decals to come...