
Showing posts from May, 2022

1/48 L-4 Grasshopper - acessories

Can you imagine a new model being released without a wide range of various accessories? Well we can't. And the upcoming new tool L-4 Grasshopper is of course no exception. One of the sets is in fact already available now, a bit in advance of the main release - and this is the M48007 pre-cut masks set and we are positive these masks will help you build the model much faster and neater. One more set we can reveal to you now is the 4452 L-4 Grasshopper Mainwheels set, featuring nicely weighed wheels and all you are to do is to remove them from the casting block - and best if by using CMK razor saw (what else?  😉 ), well, paint and glue in place, too. And we have one more Cub-related thing in the pipeline as well, a lot more complex one - the complete Continental power unit as it could be seen without the cover panels.

Creating 1/72 Figures - Photo Tutorial by the Author

   Quite regularly Special Hobby release 1/72 scale resin figures sets. And always their master patters are based on real period photos. But how does such master figure get its proper shape and form? This will be answered now by a brief photo tutorial made for us by the author of the fdigures, Czech modeller called Miloslav Anfeist.    At the very beginning there usually is a sound idea and a bunch of period photos. The basis of each figure is a simple skeleton made from a thin piece of wire which step by step gets ‘dressed’ in layers of muscle made from putty. If the creator is happy, then a layer of clothes follows, then various other details on the legs and arms. The head itself is usually modelled separately and it never is a simple task to give the face proper expression, but Miloslav manages really skilfully even this task and his tiny 1/72 faces do look very much like their real-life counterparts. first, a wire skeleton embedded in the casting block the torso ...

F72378 Mosquito Pilot and Navigator - a pair of 72nd scale resin figures

A pair of RAF air crew members, resin cast in full detail, is due for this July release (Newsletter is expected as usual on the 10th of the month). Our figures can be used with almost any other RAF twin engined aircraft, not just the Mossie of course. So why not put the beside your Beaufighter perhaps? The photos show both the finished, resin cast figures and their master patterns. 

Plastic Invasion on Kickstarter

Dear customers, please have a look at the startup project Plastic invasion that we have decided to support. We really like their idea and hope you will join us in our support. Special Hobby. After four years of working on their first products, scale modeling startup Plastic Invasion is on Kickstarter now. Their collection contains a book and a total of 4 tutorial videos. The videos will guide you through the complete process of creating highly realistic models of Pz II tank and Me 262 Schwalbe, a total of 180+ minutes of detailed footage accompanied by a commentary. And what is the book about? With the help of pictures of real soldiers at real locations, the book describes a total of six camouflage patterns used on German uniforms during World War II and provides readers with instructions on how to paint them with acrylic paints on figures in 1/35 scale. The book also contains a large number of photographs of uniforms, equipment and armaments of German soldiers taken in the studio envi...

AH-1G Cobra in 1/48 - a model built by Tomas Studeby

Tomas Studeny of the Moravian city of Prostejov has been so very much kind to share with us a couple of photos of his latest build, the 1/48 AH-1G Cobra built from the kit no.  SH48202 . And as he longed to build a Cobra flown over Vietnam, he had to make use of a aftermarket decal sheet, namely that released by the Revi magazine. Not only did Tomas send the photos, he also phoned to SH saying how very much he enjoyed the build, that the model built almost itself with no extra effort. Describing the levels of pleasure Tomas experienced while building the model, he was using several very specific Moravian expressions, which even though meant the model is excellent, cannot be repeated here as they are a tiny bit rude at the same time. The only other thing the circumstances allow us to quote him here is that this definitely is not his last Cobra.

FR0049 and FR0050 SPAD 510s - a duo of the final French fighter biplanes

Our colleagues at Azur-Frrom in France have asked us to make another bespoke project, now in the form of a double release of the very last French fighter biplane, the SPAD 510. The kits will be available under catalogue numbers FR0049 and FR0050. Both boxings will cover three colour options and as already announced, a limited quantity of the kits will be made available also via our e-shop.

Progress Report - machined and electro plated moulds

At the moment, the moulds clamped to the machines and being worked on are those for the 1/72 Aero 11 model (the second half of the wings mould) plus that with the 1/72 SPAD 510 small parts. The latter model is a bespoke project made to order from Azur/Frrom and is to be released in two boxings. And as usual with other models of this French company, a limited quantity will be available also for domestic (i.e. Czech) customers via our e-shop to avoid extra costs of transporting back to our country from France.  The next set of today's images show the 1/72 Kriegsfischkutter model moulds - which are those treated with elecrto plating and are about to be put into the mould frames. The surface does not necessarily look appealing just yet, let us assure you the moulds will get a proper clean up.