
Showing posts from June, 2017

1/35 scale Skoda 30.5cm M.11 Belagerungsmörser – a CMK model in fabulous Tom Grigat stop motion video

One of new CMK models to became available this August is also a model of the Austro-Hungarian WW1 24cm M.98 Mörser (howitzer), kit no. RA057. 1/35 resin models of howitzers and other types of WW1 armament arguably belong to the very top of our resin production, no wonder as they were designed and prepared using modern 3D systems. A weapon already in production and available on the market is CMK kit RA056 – 1/35 30.5cm M.11 Belagerungsmörser.   Tom Grigat, a famous German modeller has only not built one but also documented his build in a trully wonderful stop motion video. The figure of an Austro Hungarian artillery officer   standing besides the weapon also comes from our production.      

1/48 IMAM Romeo Ro.37/37bis (SH48183-185) – Interior Parts Sprue

Today we also want to show you the progress of our IMAM Romeo Ro37 and Ro37bis projects. The first one of these two to reach the market will be the Ro-37bis boxing, but not earlier than in September (as our Italian customers tend to enjoy their „all-Italian“ holidays in August). However, the sprue with interior parts has already been finished and you can inspect it below. We are pretty confident that the interior parts bring much nicer levels of detail than the original Classic Airframes kit.

The New Hi-Tech Tempest Kit Already Available, Work Begins On A Complete Engine Replica

During the Modellbrno event , the Hi-Tech release of the 1/32 Tempest Mk.V kit no. SH32070 was available for the first time (among other new kits, see here ). This Tempest release brings the customer also a partial resin replica (more specifically the upper part) of its power plant, the unique Napier Sabre engine. And for the real connoisseurs among you, a much more special treat is currently being prepared here at SH headquarters. Do have a look at the photos below, it is a complete replica of the Sabre power plant coming also with the rediator. The unit is meant to be built in to the SH Tempest model and will be available in our CMK range of resin sets in Autumn. It’s catalogue number will be 5110. Quite a masterpiece worth waiting for.    

Models In Progress – Update no.6

Last week we brought you news about the 1/48 Siebel / Aero C-3 fuselage moulding tools (two of them as there are going to be two versions) being worked on in our toolshop. Now we are happy to be able to share with you a couple of photos showing the first fuselage test shots. It also allows us to commence the design work on the interior equipment which is to be 3D designed. A frame with some smaller parts for our CASA 212 has also been produced from improved moulding tools, as you can see in pictures further below. Finally, clear canopy parts for 1/48 Special Hobby Aero L-39 Albatros and 1/72 F2A Buffalo are also already available on our e-shop.    

Barracuda Mk.II in 72scale – finished by Tony O’Toole

Today we have for you a couple of photos which famous British aviation historian and also a modeller, Tony O’Toole was kind enough to share with us. He has currently finished our model of the Fairey Barracuda Mk.II in 1/72 scale ( Special Hobby SH72306 ), although it is built in a different scheme than offered in the kit. Tony used some aftermarket decals and his model depicts a Barracuda of 847 Naval Air Squadron that saw service aboard HMS Victorious in 1944. Thanks Tony!


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