A few 1/48 B-26B/C Marauder sets
Two more sets for the 1/48 B-26B/C Marauder model kit have been brought to our customers via the October Newsletter. These are the 4485 B-26B/C Marauder Waist Guns, Ammo Boxes and Feed, that portrays the interior of the fiuselage between the side windows. The set is composed with resin cast parts and those made on a 3D printer. The other one of today presented sets is the 4487 B-26B/C Marauder Dorsal Turret Upgrade Set. This one is made solely using the 3D printer and offers nicely detailed parts for the gunner turret on the upper fuselage The mg barrels are pointed upwards which is their most often seen position in period photos. The original kit, however allows you to build the model with the barrels in horizontal position.