Special Hobby / MPM Newsletter 05-15

Special Hobby / MPM Production Newsletter 5/2015
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The May Newsletter rides a wave of many of our successful and also long-time-ago sold out models re-issues, but, starting with late May, we are going to distribute yet another of the New-Generation models made using steel moulds. These will be the Folland F.1 Gnat and the Fouga Zéphyre, which is a navalised version of the famous Fouga Magister trainer.
Let´s take a look at the presented models more closely:

Special Hobby plastic kits

SH72137 Folland Gnat F. Mk.I "Finnish and Yugoslav Service"
 The British Folland Gnat light jet fighter was evaluated also by the RAF, but only its two-seat trainer version known as the Gnat T.1 entered the RAF service. The Gnat was tested also in other countries. While Tito´s Yugoslavia did not get over the trial stages, Finland ordered a batch of fighter and fighter-recce Gnats and put them into the service. The Gnats were purchased also by India and were produced there localy under licence.
Highly detailed model injected within steel moulds offers you three plastic part frames, a frame of clear parts and a decal sheet containing markings of two Finnish machines and the Yugoslavian test plane.
SH72323 Fouga CM-175 Zéphyr 1/72
The Fouga Magister was among the most wide-spread jet trainers of the World. However, its navalized version known as the Fouga Zéphyr was used only by the French Aéronavale. This version sported a strenghtened structure, naval equipment, different nose section and rear sliding canopies. Aboard French aircraft carriers and at the land bases it served successfully for long 35 years.
The kit which comes in a box with a brilliant box-art of a Zephyr during a landing and it contains in total four plastic sprues and one sprue of clear parts. The decals offer an early machine and three with the later type of marking of the Aeronavale.
SH32003 P-36A “Pearl Harbor Defender” - Re-issue / limited edition 1/32
The Curtiss P-36A, besides the Seversky P-35 fighter, became the first modern low-wing US fighter plane. Not only that it was successfully exported in the pre-war era and also during the early stages of the war, it also became the main front-line fighter of the US Army Air Force until its successor, the P-40 fighter, came into service. Thanks to this, it also lived to see its only fighter appearance in US colours. This deployment brought the USAAF the first victories in the Second World War.
The kit contains five frames of grey plastic, a frame of clear parts, PE fret and a set of resin parts. The decal sheet offers marking for two Pearl Harbor based machines whose pilots, P.Rasmussen and HW. Brown, were successful and gained their victories during the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941.
SH72192 Heinkel He 178 V-2 - Re-issue  1/72
The He 178 V1 first jet aircraft was rebuilt to a He 178 V-2 version during the trials. The new plane was equipped with a bigger span wing and a retractable undercarriage. However, due to Luftwaffe´s command shortsighted decision not to continue with the development of weapons that could not assist in immediate victory in the war, the aircraft´s development was put to halt and the plane was handed over to aviation museum in Berlin and was totaly destroyed in 1943 during an Allied air ride.
The model of this second version of the first jet plane was also sold out a couple of years ago. Now it is getting back to our production together with the model of the first prototype. The model consists of two grey plastic sprues, clear injected canopy and two resin undercarriage bay parts.
SH32062 P-400 Airacobra 1/32  
Following the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, the United States of America declared war on the Japanese Empire which led to short-lived but drastic reduction in weapon supplies to foreign countries. The USA seized plenty of aircraft that had been ordered by Sweden and Great Britain for its own usage. Amongst these planes were also the Caribou Mk.I (later to be renamed the Airacobra Mk.I) fighters for the British, which was an export model of the Bell P-39 Airacobra fighter. The Army Air Force renamed these planes the P-400 and put them to the service besides its standard P-39 machines and the seized machines were used also in Africa and in the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Some of these machines were later delivered to the USSR under the Lend-Lease act, where also the British machines ended up. The P-400 differed from the US versions by having a 20 mm cannon in the nose and their exhausts were of 12-stubs type.
In the 1/32 P-400 Airacobra model you can find in total seven frames of plastic parts, a frame with clear parts, resin casted exhausts and gunsight, two PE-part frets, one standard and the other one is pre-coloured. The camouflage options represent  Airacobras used during heavy fightings in New Guinea, Africa and on the Eastern Front. The camouflage option A shows the 80th FS/8th FG machine with jaws on its nose and a fighting rabbit on the cockpit door. The starboard wing was replaced in the field and it wore a standard British camouflage pattern, unlike the rest of the machine which remained in the original camouflage. The Camo B option presents another machine from New Guinea, this time it is a 35thFG machine wearing a British camouflage, Donald Duck with a sporting gun cartoon and a name Macushla. The Camo C option shows a British Airacobra used as a bomber plane in Tunisia with the 91st FS/ 81st FG. Its national insignia have yellow borders used on the African battlefield and the cockpit door is adorned with a drawing of an attacking eagle. The last camouflage option, the Camo D, shows a Soviet Ace Ivan Dimitrievich Gajdaenko 9th GIAP machine in a later type of British camouflage of grey and green (ie the Day Fighter Scheme). It fought in the Port of Murmansk area in 1943. The British roundels are overpainted and the machine also wears a victory markings.
SH72321 Heinkel He 178 V-1 "World´s First Jet" 1/72
The Heinkel He 178 V-1 is one of the pioneering aircraft of the world. It became the very first aircraft in the world to fly powered solely by a jet engine. Hans von Ohain´s engine gave this diminutive metal-fuselage and wooden-wings aircraft speed of up to 650 km/h. Its first flight took place at the end of August 1939, on the eve of the Second World War.
The model of this unique aircraft was one of the perennial stars of our production. First issued in our Condor range of models, it has been sold out and unavailable for a long time and now it is getting back to our offer in a whole-new boxing under new company´s name Special Hobby. The model itself is the same with no changes in its design and it comes with
a fret of PE parts and full-colour instructions.
SH32018 Polikarpov I-16 Type 24 Hi-Tech Re-issue / limited edition 1/32
The Polikarpov I-16 was the backbone of the Red Army Air Force for a very long period of time, since the mid 1930´s until the second half of WW2. Improved versions of this fighter aircraft were gradually put into service. The I-16 Type 24 was one of the latest versions.
Four frames of plastic parts plus an injected windscreen are accompanied with a PE fret and most importantly with a huge set of resin parts. These last mentioned allow you to build the model with its engine replica, open fuselage guns and deployed control surfaces. The decal sheet brings you two machines, the one with „Za Stalina – For Stalin“ inscription on its fuselage was flown by an ace and the best Soviet fighter pilot at the time, B.F. Safonov, while the other machine, adorned with „Za SSSR – For the USSR“ inscription was piloted by S.Surjenko.
As we have been still getting orders for three of our long-time sold out models, we have decided to produce them again. They are as follows:
SH72206 TT-1 Pinto “US NAVY Jet Trainer” 1/72
SH32022 X-15A-2 1/32
SH32029 X-15 "Two XLR-11 Engines" 1/32
SH32031 X-15A-2 "with Ground Dolly" 1/32

We are preparing these models for June 2015:

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