NEWSLETTER October 2015

In our October newsletter, we have one model of each scale for you. We do believe all of them will be of interest for you. We are aware that you, our customers, also want to know what models are going to be released in the near future and in what time frame they are to be available, I am extremely happy to be able to inform you here that our long-awaited 1/72 Mirage F.1 kit will hit the hobby shop shelves very early next year. About the same time, our 1/35 gun models are also expected to be on sale.

Special Hobby plastic kits

SH32063 Bloch MB 152C.1 „Early Version“ 1/32

The Bloch MB 152C.1 was one of four pivotal fighter aircraft types the Armée de L´Air  (or French Air Force) used in the defence of France in 1940. Alongside the Morane Saulnier MS 406, Dewoitine D.520 and ex-US Curtiss H 75, they tried, although in vain, to stop the invading German Luftwaffe.  As the development of this machine was not an easy one and the production was rather slow, the production machines failed to reach the operational units in large numbers before the war broke out on September 1, 1939. In fact, only one unit, the Groupe de Chasse GC I/I had them on strenght. Later, during the Battle of France, the Bloch MB 152 were already in use with the following units - GC II/I, GC II/6, GC II/9, GC II/8, GC II/10, GC III/10, GC I/8, GC III/9 and also the Polish GC I/145 although this unit was still in training. The MB 152 were also used by many regional defence units which were known as Patrouilles Aériennes de Défense and also naval fighter units had these machines. Initially, the production MB 152C.1 machines were built with 90cm diameter of the cowling air intake, later machines were slightly improved by having the air intake with only 60cm diameter. However, both varieties used to fly together in the units. And it is the earlier type that is subject of our model kit.The plastic parts come in four runners, the clear canopy is injected and the engine and interior parts are made of cast resin. Smaller parts are contained in a PE-fret. The decal sheet caters for two machines, the first of which was personal mount of Marius Jean Paul Elzeard Ambrogi , famous WW1 hero and ace who had gained 14 kills during WW1 and managed also a further one in WW2. Its machine sported the usual French markings and also had a Disney dwarf on its tail. The other machine was flown by another ace, commander of the 1re escadrille Cne Germain Coutaud (8 victories in 1940) and it also carried a unit´s badge.

SH48169 IMAM (Romeo) Ro.43 "War Colours" 1/48

Our model of the Italian two-seater reconnaissance floatplane comprises five grey plastic sprues accompanied by a clear sprue, set of detailed resin parts and a PE fret. The decal sheet covers two machines, the first of them is MM27148 machine that was catapult-launched from Italian cruiser Eugenio di Savoia, the other machine with an unknown military number was used aboard battleship Vittorio Veneto. Both of the machines were equiped with enlarged tail of later style. The Eugenio di Savoia machine wore grey camouflage, the other one was in aluminium dope overal and had a green rudder.

SH72154 Sea Harrier FA.2 „Hi-tech“ 1/72 - reedice

The Sea Harrier FA.2 was the very last of British Harriers to enter the service. This version was capable of beyond-the-horizon attacks against targets even below the Shar´s flight level. It was mainly due to more efficient Blue Vixen radar equipment, modernized AIM-120A AMRAAM guided missiles and highly powerful offensive and defensive electronic systems. The Shar FA.2s took part in operations in Bosnia and Serbia and  in 2006 they were eventually phased out of the service.
The kit comes in three plastic sprues and also contains a set of resin parts, mainly allowing further detailing of the plane´s cockpit and contains also a set of PE parts. The decal sheet offers three options, one of the machines was flown in blue and white glossy anniversary livery. In the early 1930s the Italian Navy, or Regia Marina, became interested in a concept of a reconnaissance floatplane capable of being catapult-launched from its war ships. Giovanni Galasso, a designer who was working for IMAM (Romeo) company, came up with an excellent idea to re-design for naval service his earlier and by then most successful project  known as the Ro.37bis and as early as on 19 November, 1943, a new prototype of a maritime reconnaissance floatplane took off for the first time from the port of Naples. This aeroplane carried Italian military number MM244 and was designated the Ro.43.  The production was commenced in virtually no time and the mass-produced machines differed slightly from the prototype by having a more powerful Piaggio P-IX engine enclosed in a larger and streamlined cowling, three-bladed propeller and re-designed empennage. The machines were equipped with one fixed and one flexible Breda Safat 7.7mm machine gun.  A single seat fighter prototype known as the Ro.44 took off for the first time in October 1936 and sported slightly different upper fuselage and also more efficient armament of two Breda Safat 12.7mm machine guns.
   In 1937, the Ro.43 production machines began their service with training units, served for a while (until the dedicated fighters Ro.44 came) as naval fighter planes and most importantly, were being allocated to Italian cruisers and battleships. During the Italian invasion of Albania in April 1939, they received their baptism of fire and from the time Italy stood by the German side in the war, the warship-based Ro.43s took part in all major clashes with the British Royal Navy, namely during the Battle of Calabria (to the Italian known as the Battle of Punta Stilo), Battle of Cape Matapan or the attacks against Gibraltar and Alexandria. It is of interest that the Royal Navy had the upper hand during most of these operations, mainly due to the use of a radar  and a significant role played also the performance and characteristics of the warship-based Walrus flying boats. As the Ro.43 were becoming more and more obsolete during the course of the war, the Italians were about to replace them with a catapult-launched version of the Re.2000 fighter, but the capitulation of Italy came sooner and marred these plans. Certain number of Ro.43 floatplanes defected after the capitulation and were interned in Spanish Balearic Islands, some of the machines being later used by the Spanish Navy until the 1950s.
   The Ro.44 fighters were used with training as well as combat units as for example were the 88°Gruppo A. da C. and no. 161, 162, 164 and 166 Squadriglias, mainly in the Aegean Sea against Greek shipping and operated also during the day and night against British bomber and reconnaissance aircraft.  Their final fate met the Ro.44 fighters in a training aircraft role.

72556/ reissue A-20G Boston
SH48093 / reissue He-178V-2
SH72325 Arado Ar 96A
SH72331 CAC CA-3/5 Wirraway "First Blood over Rabaul"
4324 Spitfire Mk. Vb - 1/48 Engine set for Airfix kit

The set offers detailed Merlin Mk.45 installation and comes with engine bearers, exhausts, bulkhead and engine cowlings. Tailored to fit the Airfix model of the famous British WW2 fighter plane. A PE-fret is also contained in the set.
7329 BMW 801 – 1/72 German WW II Aircraft Engine 

This set brings you a detailed replica of one of the most famous German radial engines, the BMW 801. It offers the engine crankcase and cylinders. Ignition wires come in a PE-fret.
Q48 233 Martin-Baker Mk.GF4 -1/48 ejection seats Folland Gnat T.1 for Airfix 

Highly detailed hot seats tailored for the new Airfix model of the iconic British trainer. A pre-coloured PE fret offers nice seat belts.
F72 283 Werner von Braun with his inspection team watching an A4/V2 rocket launch test (3 figures) - suitable for 1/72 Special Armour A-stoff model

This set brings three figures of an inspection team headed by Mr. Werner von Braun. Von Braun, in a suit, watches closely his two colleagues handling an A-stoff tank.
PLT266   Short SC-1 "First British VTOL Aircraft" 1/72 All resin kit

Resin kit of the first British VTOL aircraft. Includes decals for two prototypes, white metal undercarriage legs, two styles of vacu canopy and photo-etched parts.
4330 Tornado IDS – 1/48 Undercarriage set for Revell 

Highly detailed undercarriage bays set that has been prepared for the new Revell model.
Yet another from our series of Tornado sets, most notable of which should be the cockpit set.
Q48 231 Martin Baker Mk.10A - 1/48 ejection seats for Panavia Tornado Fighter-Bomber (2 pcs) for Revell kit

This set with two higly detailed ejection seats can be used for all versions of the European Panavia Tornado fighter-bomber. The seat belts are offered within a pre-coloured PE set.
The seats primarily fit the new Revell model, but could be also used for any other Tornado.
Q48 234 Folland Gnat T.1 – 1/48 Instrument panels for Airfix kit

A set of delicately detailed instrument panels for the British post-war trainer aircraft. The base part of the panels is made of cast resin, the panels themselves come as pre-coloured PE parts.
F35 286 1/35 Czechoslovak crew in a cupola of Skoda PA-II „Zelva" (Turtle) AFV
(2 semi-figures) 

Two semi-figures of Czechoslovak Skoda PA-II AFV crew are offered in this set. The figures are standing in open hatches of the PA-II cupola, only their upper bodies are visible. For the new TACOM model.
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