Newsletter April 2016

A trio of model kits have been prepared for this April Newsletter, two of which relates closely to the beginnings of the jet aviation era. And the third one  is a re-release of a model that was sold out and has been not available for a longer period of time. And, as the1/72 Greek Mirage F.1CG (SH72294) disappeared from  hobby shop shelves like a greased lightning, we´ve also decided to re-release this jet icon and it has just become available again.


The Heinkel He 178V-1 is arguably one of the world´s pioneering aircraft designs. It became the very first aircraft to be powered solely by means of a jet engine. The engine designed by Hans von Ohain enabled the diminutive wood-winged aircraft with metal fuselage to reach a speed of up to 650km/h. On August 24, 1939, the taxiing trials of the aircraft were commenced and only three days later, an HeS-3b engine equipped prototype took off for the very first time from Marienehe airfield.  In total, the He 178V1 made twelve flights, always with Flugkapitan Erich Warsitz at the controls, this making him the first jet pilot in the aviation history.
Model of this important aircraft had been in our Condor range of products for a really long time, kind of a perennial star. However, it eventually became sold out, so we have decided to make it available again and prepared a re-release of this successful product in a new type box under our current company name Special Hobby. The original plastic parts and PE-fret are accompanied by a new and up-graded full-colour instruction booklet.


In the early stages of WW2, the Regia Aeronautica´s reconnaissance capabilities depended mainly on the Breda Ba.37 type. These machines, being of a biplane configuration, were not able to stand successfully against the enemy´s fighter planes. Thus, the Regia sought a more up-to -date replacement machine and the Reggiane company was asked to develop a significantly faster reconnaissance aircraft. As a basis for this new design, a Reggiane Re.2000 fighter plane which possessed quite reasonable performance  was used. The first prototype of the new version was developed directly from its fighter predecessor. The new plane´s performance seemed to be acceptable, however, yet another reconnaissance type was subsequently developed using more powerful Re.2002 fighter type and a production was also ordered. It never realised, though, as Italy capitulated on Sept 8, 1943.
The kit brings two frames of plastic parts, two resin fuselage halves specific to the Re.2003 version and several other resin parts as the interior, engine and some others. Furthermore, there are also photo -etched parts bringing extra detail to the model, vacuum-formed canopy and a decal sheet covering the first prototype markings.
The Messerschmitt Me 163A was the world´s first rocket-powered aircraft produced in larger numbers. Production aircraft were used for testing as well as for the training of the pilots who were to fly later with the true fighter version known as the Me 163B. On October 2, 1941, German pilot Heini Dittmar, flying in the Me 163A V1, became the very first man to exceed a speed of 1000 km/h (in fact, he reached 1003.67 km/h). The rocket powered Komet took off using a two-wheel jettisonable dolly and landed on a skid retracting from under the lower fuselage.
The kit comprises a frame of plastic parts, an injected clear canopy part, resin parts to enhance the cockpit area and a PE-fret. The decal sheet caters for three Me 163A machines.

At the last minute we decided, that the final kit is going to include also some accessories. Because of that we had to increase cost a little bit, so price is going to be about 1 euro higher. Thank you for understanding. 

S.O. 4050 Vautour IIN "Cyrano"

Messerschmitt Me 163A with Sleuch Slepper
Before the outbreak of the Second World War, Philips & Powis Aircraft Ltd. was associated with several light civil and training aircraft designs. The chief designer, technical director, later also managing director an co-owner of the firm was Frederick George Miles and thus the company desings were produced under his name. In 1943 when Rolls Royce's interests were bought out, the firm became Miles Aircraft Ltd. In the pre-war years and also during the war, several famous training aircraft were produced by the company for the RAF, including such types as the Magister, Master and Marinet. Frederick G. Miles, however, aimed far higher than that and tried to penetrate to large companies'realm and succeed with military designs as well. The aircraft proposed by Miles were of rather unorthodox desing. In 1941 Miles tasked Ray Bournon with designing a small and light tandem-winged research aircraft, fitted with a pusher propeller and the engine in the rear fuselage and the pilot's cocpit in the front of the fuselage. This plane was to serve as a mock-up for a future proposed carrier-based fighter that should offer excellent forward view for the pilot, needed mainly during the critical phases of the take off, final approach and landing on the carrier. Yet another advantage of such concept would be that the wing-folding was not needed, saving the weight, increasing the plane's performance and making its ship-board handling easier. On Man 1, 1942, the research aircraft, known as the Miles M.35 or also Miles Libellula reportedly took off for the forts time with the chief-designer himself at the the controls (as the Miles' chief test pilot was reluctant to undertake the trials with the craft), but the flight was not a success at all, the plane showed no inclination to leave the groung and escaped a crash by a hair's breadth. The reason was found in an incorrectly positioned centre of gravity. After this issue was mended, the aircraft proved to fly rather reasonably. Miles immediately approached the Ministry of Aircraft Production and the Admiralty with his concept of a new naval fighter plane, but it was rejected and the firm castigated because the Libellula had been designed and built in secret, without official authority. However, Miles encouraged by the results, proposed a twin-engined, high speed high attitude bomber aircraft that should meet the requirements of Specification B11/41. To evaluate the flying characteristics of this bomber and prove the concept, a scaled version, the M.39 was built, known because of its tandem wings also as the Libellula.

The all resin kit of this interesting aircraft contains resin parts, white metal undercarriage legs, decal sheet and vacuum-formed clear canopies.
A detailed resin bomb bay designed to enliven the new Airfix kit. Besides the bomb bay, also the bomb racks and bomb bay doors come with the set.
The set contains a new pilot´s seat with a decent rendition of the seat belts and also new circular seats (the rear one also with the belts) for the navigator / bombardier that were attached to the sides of the cockpit.
A set with three finely rendered figures of  Meillerwagen V2 transporter servicing personnel. This set has been tailored to fit the Special Armour kit.
A conversion set offering the modeller a fixed type ski undercarriage that was used in the first batch of Blenheim Mk.Is delivered to Finland. An alternative part for tail ski has been also designed for the set, as well as leading edge landing lights typical for Finnish machines. Headlights are made as clear parts.
Four detailed British General Purpose 250 lb Mk.IV resin bombs are offered to the modeller in this set. Each of the bombs consists of three parts. These bombs were, since the beginning of the Second World War well up to 1942, when their production was stopped, the most commonly used type of bomb armament of RAF bombers, the light ones as the Blenheim and the heaviest as the Stirling alike.
With this conversion set you can build Type IX submarines with older equipment – with which these submarines achieved their greatest triumphs. Both the 105 mm anti-ship cannon and the 20 mm anti-aircraft Flak Vierling have turner metal barrels. The control wheels and and other thin parts can be found on the photo-etched fret. Both cannons  can be used not only for Type IX submarines, but also for ship decks and dioramas.
This set offers a very detailed cast anti-aircraft equipment for Type IX submarines. Both the 37 mm cannon and the two 20 mm anti-aircraft twin-guns have turned metal barrels. The control wheels and other thin parts can be found of the photo-etched fret. Both cannons can be used not only for Type IX submarines, but also for the Type VII, for ship decks or for dioramas.
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