Special hobby newsletter 09


   Even though I am writing  our September Newsletter now in the middle of the summer, at the turn of July and August, the summer is in fact already over for us. The return from this year’s IPMS USA show that we had attended meant nothing less for us than coming back to full work engagement in preparations of our new kits which are to become available during the autumn. One of the very frequent questions we received at the IPMS show was about the estimated timeframe for our 1/72 Casa C-212, Curtiss P-40 or Sunderland models. Well, if there are no major trouble ahead with the moulds, we can expect all of these three types to reach the hobby shop shelves even before this year’s end.
   This newsletter is bringing you four model kits. Two in the quarter scale, the other two in the seventy-second. You might possibly miss the L-39ZA Albatros kit (no SH48167) that was in fact already announced in the last instalment of Special Hobby newsletter. Well the truth is that it is the case of many obstacles in the way and the preparation work for this kit have been rather really quite difficult and demanding. Therefore, it was decided to postpone the kit release date by a month to October.
   The colleagues at the packaging department have succeeded in completing and packaging several long-time unavailable items which means that now you are welcomed to make your order for such models as:

100-A022 Latecoere 298 in 1/48,
100-T35023 Lt 35 Upgrade kit in 1/35,
100-T35024 Pz.35(t) Upgrade kit in 1/35,
100-SH72158 X-1E in 1/72,
100-SH72175 Koolhoven FK-51 "Netherlands East Indies Air Force" in 1/72,
100-SH72048 Koolhoven FK-51 in 1/72,
100-SH72246 SAAB A-21R in 1/72,
100-SH48090 Albatros C.III in 1/48,
100-SH72307 Caproni Ca.311 in 1/72,
100-SH72309 Caproni Ca.311M in 1/72,
100-SH72313 Caproni Ca.311 Foreign Service in 1/72,
100-SH72093 PV-2 Harpoon in 1/72,
100-SH72140 Skua Mk.II in 1/72,
100-SH72231 Seafire Mk.46 in 1/72,
100-SH72160  X-1A/D also in 1/72.

   Our CMK range of high quality resin sets and products has been enriched by the addition of sets tailored to fit the latest ICM’s achievement, the 1/72 model of the Focke Wulf Fw-189.   We have also new figures of contemporary US Army soldiers in 1/48 scale. These have been 3D-designed and downscaled from similar products in 1/35 that had already been announced in the previous newsletter. These soldiers will nicely suit the new Tamiya M1A2 Abrams or other modern AFVs in this ever popular quarter scale. We have also prepared another 1/72 Airfix Tucano set to accompany those already released. Again, this set also took advantage of being 3D designed.

1/48 Fiat CR.32 Freccia/Chirri 

Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SH48182   1/48   8594071085681
   The Italian Fiat CR.32 Freccia was the pinnacle of Italian biplane fighter plane design of the early 1930´s. Because of its flying qualities, it saw service with air forces on four continents. Despite being rather obsolete by the time the war broke out, the Freccia went on flying in the first line service well up to 1942. They also managed to make a name for themselves during the Spanish Civil War where they flew with Italian volunteer units as well as piloted by Spanish nationalists. In Spain, Fiat CR.32 fighter planes enjoyed their finest hour and they were even licence-built there and known as the Chirri. However, the Fiats saw their very first combat action in faraway China as this country had bought the first series of the fighter. Yet another countries bought this type as well, these were South-American countries of Paraguay or Venezuela, in Europa the aicraft was used by Austria (and following the Anschluss or Annexation by Nazi Germany they continued their service with the Luftwaffe) and also by Hungary. Italian Freccias saw service in their homeland as well as in the Balkans or in the hot skies of Africa, where, flown in an attack role, they were characterized by having an enlarged radiator and bomb racks fitted.
The Fiat CR.32 model (ex-Classic Airframes) consists of two sprues of grey styrene, a set of detailed resin parts and two photo-etched frets (one is pre-coloured). The decal sheet and instruction leaflet offer a choice of two Italian machines, the first of which was flown over Greece, the other in Africa. Amongst another options the modeller can choose between a Hungarian machine which took part in so called "Little War" between Slovakia and Hungary in March of 1939 and a machine flown by the fourth highest scoring Spanish nationalist pilot Ángel Salas Larrazábal.

1/48 IMAM (Romeo) Ro.37bis

Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SH48185   1/48   8594071086015
        In the early 1930s, the Italian Regia Aeronautica operated IMAM Ro.1 (licence-built Fokker C.V) reconnaissance and observation biplanes. The military were quite happy with the type, however when IMAM offered a new biplane type designed by Giovanni Galasso, the decision was taken to acquire the new type. Following the prototype’s successful test flights, the production was commenced in 1934. The Ro.37 was powered by an in-line Fiat A.30 engine, but the Italian military also showed interest for a version fitted with a Piaggio P.IX radial engine. This version was known as the Ro.37bis and was produced along the in-line engined type. The Ro.37 and 37bis became the main observation and reconnaissance types of the Regia Aeronautica and were kept in service until Italy surrendered on 25 August 1943. By this time, a total of 621 machines of both versions had been produced, 325 of which were the bis version. The very first time the type saw combat action was during the Italian attack on Abyssinia (Ethiopia). They also fought in the Spanish Civil War, operated both by the Aviazione Legionaria and by the Aviación Nacional.
   Following the outbreak of the Second World War, the type saw service everywhere the Regia Aeronautica were fighting, except for the Eastern Front and the English Channel.  By the time Italy became involved in the war, the Regia Aeronautica had had 483 of both versions, 200 of which were the bis, but only about a hundred of machines were in fact in air worthy conditions. They saw service over the Balkans, Northern Africa and mainland Italy too.
   As the type possessed rather satisfactory performance and also because of the fact that two different powerplants were possible for the airframe to be fitted with, both the types were successfully offered to users abroad. In Europe, the type was flown with the Royal Hungarian Air Force as well as in Austria and in Spain by the Nationalists. The bis version were seen also outside Europe, flying with the military of Afghanistan, Paraguay and Ecuador.
   Our Ro.37bis model kit has been laid out to as many as six sprues of grey styrene and one of clear canopy parts. The styrene items are accompanied by a whole bunch of resin and photo-etched details. The decal sheet offers markings for four eye-catching schemes which portrays machines in service almost throughout the world. A Grupo 4-G-12 option of the Nationalist forces is adorned with a titling to remind a killed comrade-in-arms. One of the Italian machines offered in the kit is an aircraft flying from bases in Albania in 1940 during the Italian attack on Grece, the other Italian machine displays camouflage and markings of the Aviazione Cobelligerante Italiana (Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force), this being one of the last Ro.37s to see active duty. It wore inscription Cocco Bello on the cowling panel. The final option of the Ro.37bis kit wears markings of the Uruguayan Air Force and fuselage code B1-102.

1/7Š.328 "Slovak National Uprising"

Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SH72369   1/72   8594071086145

The Letov Š.328 was, besides the iconic Avia B.534 biplane fighter, the most famous Czechoslovak warplane of the pre-war times. Although originally designed for the Finnish Air Force, it eventually became a standard light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft of the Czechoslovak Army. It was used also in heavy fighter or floatplane versions. There were in total six slightly differing production series, the first and second of them (I.série and II. série in Czech) were distinguishable by having the upper fuselage skinning behind the cockpit made from sheet metal. The type was affectionately known among Czechoslovak pilots as "Kravka" or Little Cow. During the 1938 Moblilization, the Š.328s were ready to defend the republic. The Czechoslovak army used the Šmolíks against foreign armed groups that were terrorizing our frontier areas, mainly between Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The machines were also ready to defend the country against Nazi Germany. But, owing to Munich Agreement, no defence was required in the end and the Š.328s deployed throughout the country fell to the hands of the occupying Nazi forces. The Germans used those aircraft mainly for training, but supposedly also for night intruder missions at the Eastern Front, some of them were later sold to Bulgaria. The machines that had been used in the Slovak territory of the former Czechoslovakia, formed part of the newly established Slovak State air force and were engaged in actions against Hungary in 1939 (so called Malá válka, or Little War), later were also used during the Second World War when the Slovak State fought by the side of its German ally. The Šmolíks saw action in the 1939 Polish Campaign and in 1941 attack on the Soviet Union and although already being rather obsolete biplanes, they enjoyed some success at the Eastern Front in 1941-43. They were performing surprisingly well also in the Slovak National Uprising that broke out in 1944. In Slovakia’s mountainous terrain, Letov Š.328s were used in both reconnaissance and ground attack roles. The insurgent forces Kravkas claimed numerous enemy vehicles destroyed and one of the biplanes even succeeded in shooting down one enemy Fw 189 recce aircraft using defensive fire of the observer’s machine gun. Bulgarian aircraft, which were initially used mainly for maritime surveillance, did also rather well. As Bulgaria had joined the Allies in their fight against Nazi Germany, the Šmolíks were involved also in actions against the Wehrmacht. The remaining Bulgarian machines continued flying until the 50s when they were written off and scrapped.
  The fuselage and wing parts of the Š.328 models differ to portray the production series correctly (I./II.série = first and second series, III.série = third series and later). Small parts are common for all boxings and have been designed using CAD and injected within metal moulds. Clear parts are also injection moulded.  As the Slovak insurgent forces used Letovs of various production series, we simply had to offer the modeller a complete set of all possible wing and fuselage versions in the kit. The decal sheet caters for one first series machine and three of the later series. Three of the options wore insurgent insignia, the fourth one had red stars as it was used in liaision role and was flown across the front.


1/72 Fouga CM.170  Magister " Finnish, German and Austrian Service"

Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SH72373   1/72   8594071086152

   The successful  French  Fouga CM.170 Magister lightweight  jet trainer found its origins in a powered  glider design of all-metal construction called  the C.M.8.15 which sported a butterfly style tail empennage and was designed by P.Mauboussin and J.Szydlowski. This turbojet-powered glider flew for the first time in 1949 and during development of this design a number of test machines emerged including a unique twin-fuselage aircraft designated as the Gemeaux. The final stage of  development  of the C.M.8.15 glider led to the CM.170 Magister which was designed to meet an Armée de l´Air specification and like the powered  gliders which preceded it this also sported a distinctive butterfly-type empennage.
   An initial order for three prototype Magisters was made, the first of which made its maiden flight on 23 July, 1952 and as the performance was found to be acceptable  this led to a follow on order for a batch of ten pre production aircraft. As per usual most of the prototype and pre production aircraft were used for testing of various components and improvements which  would later be incorporated  into full production airframes, the only exception to this was the second prototype which at the request of the military was modified to accept a standard fin and tailplanes. However as the flying characteristics in this configuration were found to be no better, all subsequent machines continued to feature the trademark butterfly tail. As well as serving with the French military the Magister was also an export success for Fouga which sold the type to a multitude of foreign operators and it was even built under licence in three countries. The first licence-built Magisters entered service with the air forces of  Germany and Finland in 1958 where they also joined French-built Magisters and the third licence producer of the Magister was Israel, which produced its first aircraft in 1960. The Israeli Magisters were known locally as the Tzukit (or Thrush) and as well as basic training they were also used in the light-attack role where they proved successful during several of the Israeli-Arab conflicts. In the ground attack role the Magister could carry a pair of machine guns fitted in the nose section and various weaponry was mounted  under the wings in the form of bombs and unguided rockets.
   Within Europe the Magister was flown by France, Belgium, Austria and Ireland but there were also many other operators  worldwide in Africa, Asia and South America, many of whom were no doubt attracted by its lightweight design and low operating costs. Among these far flung operators  were countries such as Algeria, Bangladesh, Biafra, Brazil, El Salvador, Libya, Morocco, Togo and Uganda. Some Fougas are still flying these days, many of them in civilian hands.
The kit comes on four sprues of grey styrene and one frame with clear parts. A full colour instruction booklet will guide the modeller throughout the build. The marking options offer three schemes. Finnish Magister FM-65 flew in aluminium finish with orange high visibility markings and had the unit’s badge of three bird silhouettes over a blue cloud on its forward fuselage. The German option wore fuselage number codes 93-03 and was operated by the Bundesmarine, or German Navy. The machine was painted in camouflage scheme, again with orange hi-vis markings. The final option is that of the Austrian 4D-YT machine, this one similar to the Finnish trainer, again in aluminium overall with hi-vis orange on the nose, wingtips and empennage.


1/72 Nakajima Ki-43-III Kó Hayabusa - Reissue


Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SH72178   1/72   8594071086039

1/48 IMAM (Romeo) Ro.37


Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SH48183   1/48   8594071086169

1/72 Marine Kleinkampfmittel Biber "German Midget Submarine"


Art.No.   scale   barcode
100-SN72006   1/72   8594071086176

1/72 Fw 189A-2– Cockpit Set for ICM kit

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-7377   1/72   8595593125107
The set is tailored to fit the late version of the German Luftwaffe’s Fw 189 reconnaissance aircraft and brings all new cockpit parts, the floor, side walls and consoles, control column, seats, rudder pedals, MG81Z twin-mount machine gun ammo magazines and instrument panel. The instrument faces are pre-printed on a piece of film.

Germany / WWII

1/72 Fw 189A-1/2 – Engine Set for ICM kit

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-7378   1/72   8595593125114
The set offers the modeller with an option to display one of the Argus engines open (either of them as the port and starboard side installations are identical). The set contains a nicely detailed resin Argus Ar 410 engine replica, separate cylinders, exhausts for both installations, engine bearers, cowling panels and front cowling section. The set is common for any ICM’s Fw 189 kit, i.e. A-1, A-2 and A-1 Night Fighter

Germany / WWII

1/72 Fw 189A-1/2 – Undercarriage Bays Set for ICM kit

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-7379   1/72   8595593125121
The set offers all new main and tail landing gear wells. The main u/c wells comprise several parts, the bottom of the well, side walls and the front part. The tailwheel well is made as one piece. The set is common for any ICM’s Fw 189 kit, i.e. A-1, A-2 and A-1 Night Fighter.

Germany / WWII

1/48 Kneeling Soldier (on right knee), US Army Infantry Squad 2nd Division

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-F48331   1/48   8595593125138
A figure of a modern US Army soldier, a member of the Infantry Squad 2nd Division on a patrol somewhere in Afghanistan. The kneeling soldier  carries a breathing apparatus on his back and  points his SOPMOD M4 carbine forwards. He also wears sun glasses. The figure’s equipment, helmet and bulletproof vest are higly detailed. The figure is suitable for any diorama with modern US AFVs like the Tamiya’s Humvee, M1A2 Abrams or others. The parts of the figure have been 3D designed for the ultimate in detail.
USA / present

1/48 Kneeling Soldier (on left knee), US Army Infantry Squad 2nd Division
(part 2)

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-F48332   1/48   8595593125145
A figure of a US Army soldier of the Infantry Squad 2nd Division taking part in a patrol somewhere in Afghanistan. The soldier kneels, has a MOLLE ruck sack and points his SOPMOD M4 carbine forwards. The soldier’s equipment is exquisitely depicted – the helmet with ballistic goggles and also the bulletproof vest. The figure is suitable for any diorama with modern US AFVs like the Tamiya’s Humvee, M1A2 Abrams or others. The parts of the figure have been 3D designed.

USA / present

1/72 Barracuda Mechanics (3 figures, aboard carrier w/ raincoat) for Special Hobby kit

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-F72330   1/72   8595593125176
These figures of three British FAA mechanics aboard a carrier can be used not just with the new Special Hobby Fairey Barracuda model, but of course with any other FAA carrier borne aircraft. The mechanics wear waterproof rubber raincoats.


1/72 Fw 189A-1/-2 – Mainwheels Set for ICM kit

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-Q72 284   1/72   8595593125152
This set brings completely new main undercarriage wheels. The master parts were created using 3D and produced on a 3D printer. The wheels offer much higher levels of detail than the original parts, tyres come with better tread pattern. Can be used with any ICM’s Fw 189 kit, i.e. A-1, A-2 and A-1 Night Fighter.

Germany/ WWII

1/72 Tucano T.1 – Wheels Set for Airfix kit

Art.No.   scale   barcode
129-Q72 285   1/72   8595593125169
This set contains a nosewheel and two main undercarriage wheels for a model of the British Tucano trainer aircraft. The nosewheel is prepared with a section of the front undercarriage leg, the nicely detailed torque links come as separate parts. The master parts were 3D-designed and produced using a 3D printer. The wheel hubs offer much more detail, and unlike the original kit’s parts they have also detail of brakes on them. The tyres also feature realistic tread pattern.

GB / present


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