CMK sets for 1/72 Fw 189A (ICM) - Get yours at E-day

CMK have prepared four new resin upgrade sets for the new 1/72 ICM Fw 189A kit and we are going to sell them for the first time at the E-day this weekend. So, if you feel like enhancing the levels of detail of your “Uhu”, you may look forward to these sets:

7377 Fw 189A-2 - Cockpit Set
7378 Fw 189A-1/2 - Engine set (port wing)
7379 Fw 189A-1/2 - Undercarriage Bays Set
Q72284 Fw 189A-1/2 - Mainwheels Set

The first three of them come in our basic range of 1/72 CMK sets, the 3D-designed wheels are offered in Quick&Easy range.

In the photos below, you might watch the ICM model built using the first three sets as the resin wheels were not available yet when we built it.

Another good info for the Uhu fans might be that our team are working on yet another sets for this kit, namely the correction propeller set and a set with the front section of the engines.





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