Even though the past month saw just two new items from the SH range of plastic model kits, we need to admit that May was really very hectic. And not just May, the whole spring of 2021 is literally packed up to the brim with new items. On the top of the sales firmly stands the 1/32 Westland Whirlwind Mk.I(SH32047) with the Messerschmits Bf 109E-3 and E-4 (SH72443 and SH72439) following closely, along with the 1/48 Tempest and several other 1/72 kits as are the SF-260, Mirage F.1, Martin 139WC/WSM/WT and the military vehicle models the Sd.Kfz250/1 and Sd.Ah 115 Flatbed Trailer. And yes we do believe that all we have prepared for the month of June will be equally well received by the modelling community. Going to be re-released is the 1/72 SMB-2 Super Mystère 'Sa`ar – Israeli Storm in the Sky' kit, being joined on the shelves by such hot new items as the P-40M Warhawk/Kittyhawk Mk.III kit (offering a really nice choice of schemes), the sleek Japanese twin engined Tachikawa Ki-54 or even one more Mess, which this time is the machine gun-fitted E-1 version of our earlier-released and highly acclaimed Bf-109E3/4 kit.
And the wave of new kits is definitely not going to get any weaker in the months to come. We are simply set to overwhelm you with plethora of new items such as the Meteor Mk.14, 3.7cm PaK 36 German Anti-tank Gun’, 7.5 cm PaK 40 ‘German Anti-tank Gun’, Potez 25B2 ‘Polish Jupiter Version’ or even a couple of re-released kits with new decal guises as the Vampire Mk.3 and Mk.9, 1/72 and 1/48 Viggens or the Vautour IIB. We are also cooperating with ICM to rebox their 1/32 model of the Hi-Tech version of the AH-1G Cobra model of the Vietnam War fame. The same chopper, just a bit smaller (so in 1/48 scale) is currently being worked on by our team with the first test shots already revealed, and we are so very pleased that the images got huge attention from the readers of our blog. There is also the 1/72 Mirage III in the pipeline, waiting to be finished and released, but all in due time.
Our own pre-cut painting masks may be around just shortly now, but they have already achieved the status of really handy product able to provide the modeller with much needed assistance in painting some difficult areas. So, it leads to make the range of such masks even wider. In this newsletter, you will find our new masks for the 1/48 Tempest and 1/72 P-40M/Kittyhawk Mk.III. In the next one, there will be similar sets for the Ki-54.
The resin sets usually reflect the latest new models available on the market. So, this time our team are working on a couple of sets for the ICM 1/32 Tiger Moth or Tamiya’s 1/48 F-4B Phantom II. We cannot forget our own models for sure, so start looking for the coming sets for the 1/72 Messerchmitt Bf109 or 1/32 Whirlwind. Following the serious success of the Recon Lightning sets, we are working on conversion sets for Merlin engine powered Beaufighter Mk.IIs in both major scales.
A new range of cutting tools is also getting ready for the customer, it is supposed to become available later this year and will increase or range of modelling tools.
Unlike the previous, slightly political editorial, you can see that today we have tried to focus only on the topic common to us, modellers. However, allow me to get back, just for a tiny while, to last month’s editorial, which raised rather strong response from the readers. Those which came from abroad were in majority quite positive ones. Those negative, however came mainly from our fellow citizens. So it might seem that the old Czech saying ‘The hit goose always squeals the most’ (which can be loosely translated as ‘He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it’) once again proved itself right. Well, never mind. As I already wrote last time, the model kit production is running well and we do believe it will continue to do so in the future, too.
A. Riedel
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