Harvard Mk.IIA - a 1/72 model suprebly finished by Martin Pfeifer using kit SH72447

 Special Hobby's Harvard Mk.II/IIA/IIB (SH72447) is a kit based on the AT-6G Texan of the Korean Academy with the addition of our own special conversion styrene, resin and photo-etched parts. The model was very well received by the modellers, in fact the demand really surprised us and we had to put much more kits on the market than first planned - which resulted in our not having any Academy styrene parts left for the future versions and reboxings. Never mind though, we will tackle it, more batches from our Korean colleagues are on their way already. However, if you feel yourself a Harvard fan, simply do not hesitate. You know what is it like with those "hot cakes".
Our friend Martin Pfeifer has recently finished one od the machines offered in SH72447 box, using  pre-cut masks M72024 as very handy aid which made his build much easier and quicker. Photos taken, as always, by our fabulous Ondra Hajek.


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