SH72451 SF-260 Duo Pack & Book - colour schemes unveiled

Although the SF-260 Duo Pack & Book model kit is due for release in September, we would like to share with you now those eight colour (and rather colourful too) marking shemes the kit will offer. As is clear from the name of this series, there will be two kits in the box and a very nice photographic publication as well - in the form of the M.H.M Publications piece on the SF-260 topic. So, what you get in the box? Two complete kits, three clear canopies (one tall, two standard ones so that the modeller would not be limited when chosing the schemes), pre-cut masking sets for sure too, and as a special treat a set of resin underwing armament. The Rhodesian machine differed from all others by having very unique, upward bent and shrouded exhaust pipes, in this kit also made of resin. 


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