SH72294 Mirage F.1CG in 1/72 restocked

   Although announced in this month's Newsletter, the 1/72 SH72294 Mirage F.1CG is not exactly a new model indeed as it is a re-release of the historically second Mirage F.1 Special Hobby kit. And do not let it mislead you, it is nothing to make the model less attractive. A total of four eye-catching colour schemes, decal sheet printed in the utmost quality by Italian Cartograf and extra resin cast parts depicting the missile rails specific to the Hellenic Mirages, this all topped with an exquisite boxart by fabulous Standa Hájek (not to be mistaken with our company photographer of the same family name), I mean, what one could possibly want more? And do not hesitate if either the Mirage jets or unusual air forces or even anniversary schemes on your models is what you fancy as this is only very limited release and the price of the original SH72294 on on-line auction sites reach sky high.



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