SH72445 Tachikawa Ki-54Otsu / Hickory ‘ Gunner Trainer’ in 1/72 - decal sheet graphics unveiled

   The first version of our 1/72 Hickory family, kit no SH72270 Tachikawa Ki-54 Hei was released this June. We have to admit that the sales numbers far exceeded our expectations, the model is now completely sold out. Do not be sad though if this sleak Jap twin engine beast is what you long for, a second release is under way in the form of the SH72445 Tachikawa Ki-54 Otsu / Hickory ‘ Gunner Trainer’ kit. This model is due sometimes in the first quarter of next year and features the version primarily designed for multiple-engine aircraft air-to-air gunners training. To make the learning process even more effective, the airframe was equipped not with one gunner station, there were two independetly operated gun turrets in the upper fuselage, only joined by a common glazing to make the whole a more aerodynamic refined. Our new release brings three machines as operated by the Japanese military, one of them in grey overall, the second one in grey overall with field-applied greenish mottling on the uppers, and the final choice presents machine wearing regular green over grey scheme. The decal sheet graphics is already done and ready to be printed. Have to mention that the decals were skilfully prepared by our excellent graphics designer and reliable colleague Tomas H.
   And those of you who are really after the very first Ki-54 Hei release, do not despair please, to make the SH72445 release possible, we needed to have all the sprues injected, so have them made in abundant numbers and re-release of SH72270 is also in the pipeline now.


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