4433 P-51/A-36/P-51A Mustang cockpit set - out soon

One of the resin detail sets our team are currently working on is the 1/48 scale cockpit set for the four cannon-armed variety of the ubiquitous P-51 Mustang. The model itself is currently available from Academy although it was originally kitted by Accurate Miniatures. The level of surface detail might be seen as rather okay, the area where the kit lacks most is the cockpit. Now the modeller will be able to overcome this issue by employing our cockpit set. Today's images show the working items inserted into the model parts, still sans the etched details, which as you can guess will also be a part of our set. It is also important to say that this very set can be used with the other varieties of the kit as well, both the A-36 Apache and the P-51A Mustang.


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