Nuremberg Online - Day One
SA35008 Panzerbefehlswagen 35(t) 1/35
SA35009 Panhard 178B ‘47 mm Gun Late Turret’ 1/35
SA72017 Sleuch Slepper 1/72
SA72027 Captured Sd.Kfz 250 1/72
SA72028 Rheinbote German WWII tactical ground to ground V4 Rocket 1/72
SH32083 Fiat G.50B Bicomando 1/32
SH32084 Manshu Ki-79 ‘Japanese Trainer’ 1/32
SH48053 Breda Ba 65A-80 1/48 Re-issue
SH48160 Baltimore Mk.I/II 1/48
SH48200 SNCAC NC.701 Martinet 1/48
SH48202 AH-1G Cobra 1/48
SH48205 Reggiane Re.2000 III. Serie 1/48
SH48207 SIAI-Marchetti SF.260AM/M/W 1/48
SH48210 Heinkel He 177 A-3 1/48
SH48211 Avro Anson Mk.I 1/48
SH48212 Siebel Si 204E ‘German Night Bomber & Trainer’ 1/48
SH48216 AJ-37 Viggen ‘Strike Fighter’ 1/48
SH48217 Aero C-3B ‘Czechoslovak Bomber-Trainer’ 1/48
SH48218 L-4 Grasshopper 1/48
SH48219 Bugatti 100 Racer 1/48
SH48220 J-3 Cub 1/48
SH48221 Potez 631 1/48 New
SH72075 CH-37 Mojave 1/72 Re-issue
SH72162 Short Sunderland Mk.V 'Fighting Commies in Europe and
the Far East' 1/72 Re-issue
SH72291 Mirage F.1B 1/72 Re-issue
SH72336 Sea Vixen FAW Mk.I/II 1/72 Re-issue
SH72352 Mirage IIIC 1/72
SH72406 Piaggio P.108B ‘Quadrimotore’ 1/72 Re-issue
SH72415 Vautour IIB ‘French Jet Bomber’ 1/72
SH72425 Hudson Mk.IV/V/VI 1/72 New
SH72436 Curtiss CW-21 1/72 New
SH72438 Short Sunderland Mk.I/II ‘Flying Porcupine’ 1/72
SH72445 Tachikawa Ki-54Otsu / Hickory ‘ Gunner Trainer’ 1/72
SH72448 Junkers Ju 87D-5 ‘Axis Satellites’ 1/72
SH72450 AT-6B/C/D/F/G Texan 1/72
SH72452 DH. Mosquito PR Mk.XVI 1/72
SH72457 Bugatti 100P 1/72
SH72458 Junkers Ju 87D-5/N/D-8 ‘Night Attack Stukas’ 1/72
SH72460 P-70 Nighthawk 1/72
SH72462 Messerschmitt Bf 109E-Trop/E-7 Trop 1/72
SH72463 Gloster Meteor Mk.8/9 IAF 1/72
SH72471 Blue bird on a long flyight over Europe, Africa and
Asia (Aero 11 L-BUCD) 1/72 SN72007 Kriegsfischkutter 1/72
SH72152 Fairey Albacore Mk.I 1/72 New Tool
So what do we have here? A nice little family of the Aero A-11/12 biplanes in 1/72 scale, the first of which should see the light of day sometimes this June - in the form of the Aero A-11 of škpt. Stanovský and mechanic Šimek with which we would like to commemorate the anniversary of their long distance flight. We hope you like the rendered images, for now the A-11 military version.
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