Nuremberg Online - Day One

   Well the Nuremberg Toy and Model Fair has been cancelled over the Covid pandemics - once again. So perhaps next year? And so that you would not miss out on certainly important and interesting information about our models, we decided to arrange our own on-line ‘Nuremberg’ here on our blog.
   As it would be in real fair, let us kick off with general information on what we have in the pipeline for you this year. Then, we will top this all up with a few images of rather a surprising release which we hope many of you might find of interest - and not just those from our country.

SA35008              Panzerbefehlswagen 35(t)         1/35                                                                     

SA35009              Panhard 178B ‘47 mm Gun Late Turret’ 1/35          

SA72017               Sleuch Slepper 1/72                               

SA72027              Captured Sd.Kfz 250      1/72                      

SA72028              Rheinbote German WWII tactical ground to ground V4 Rocket 1/72                      

SH32083              Fiat G.50B Bicomando   1/32                      

SH32084              Manshu Ki-79 ‘Japanese Trainer’             1/32                      

SH48053              Breda Ba 65A-80              1/48                       Re-issue

SH48160              Baltimore Mk.I/II            1/48                      

SH48200              SNCAC NC.701 Martinet              1/48                      

SH48202              AH-1G Cobra     1/48                      

SH48205              Reggiane Re.2000 III. Serie         1/48                      

SH48207              SIAI-Marchetti SF.260AM/M/W               1/48                      

SH48210              Heinkel He 177 A-3         1/48      

SH48211              Avro Anson Mk.I             1/48      

SH48212              Siebel Si 204E ‘German Night Bomber & Trainer’             1/48                      

SH48216              AJ-37 Viggen ‘Strike Fighter’      1/48                      

SH48217              Aero C-3B ‘Czechoslovak Bomber-Trainer’         1/48                      

SH48218              L-4 Grasshopper              1/48                      

SH48219              Bugatti 100 Racer            1/48                      

SH48220              J-3 Cub              1/48           

SH48221              Potez 631            1/48                       New Tool

SH72075              CH-37 Mojave   1/72                       Re-issue

SH72162              Short Sunderland Mk.V 'Fighting Commies in Europe and the Far East' 1/72 Re-issue

SH72291              Mirage F.1B       1/72       Re-issue

SH72336              Sea Vixen FAW Mk.I/II 1/72                       Re-issue

SH72352              Mirage IIIC         1/72                      

SH72406              Piaggio P.108B ‘Quadrimotore’ 1/72       Re-issue             

SH72415              Vautour IIB ‘French Jet Bomber’             1/72                      

SH72425              Hudson Mk.IV/V/VI       1/72                       New Tool

SH72436              Curtiss CW-21   1/72                       New Tool

SH72438              Short Sunderland Mk.I/II ‘Flying Porcupine’       1/72                      

SH72445              Tachikawa Ki-54Otsu / Hickory ‘ Gunner Trainer’             1/72                      

SH72448              Junkers Ju 87D-5 ‘Axis Satellites’             1/72                      

SH72450              AT-6B/C/D/F/G Texan  1/72                      

SH72452              DH. Mosquito PR Mk.XVI            1/72      

SH72457              Bugatti 100P      1/72                      

SH72458              Junkers Ju 87D-5/N/D-8 ‘Night Attack Stukas’   1/72                      

SH72460              P-70 Nighthawk               1/72                      

SH72462              Messerschmitt Bf 109E-Trop/E-7 Trop   1/72                      

SH72463              Gloster Meteor Mk.8/9 IAF        1/72                      

SH72471              Blue bird on a long flyight over Europe, Africa and Asia (Aero 11 L-BUCD)           1/72 SN72007                Kriegsfischkutter             1/72                      

SH72152              Fairey Albacore Mk.I     1/72                       New Tool

So what do we have here? A nice little family of the Aero A-11/12 biplanes in 1/72 scale, the first of which should see the light of day sometimes this June - in the form of the Aero A-11 of škpt. Stanovský and mechanic Šimek with which we would like to commemorate the anniversary of their long distance flight. We hope you like the rendered images, for now the A-11 military version.


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