CMK 4455 Sukhoi Su-22M-3K Fitter J (Tumansky R-29BS-300 engine) Conversion Set - close up

The CMK 4455 Conversion Set is no doubt a very fine example of transcontinental collaboration. Its origin can be traced down to Peruvian Vespe Models firm and our pal Amaru who designed the 3D files on which the set is based. With the over-the-pond origins, the set is completely produced by Special Hobby and is intended to be used with Kitty Hawk's 1/48 Sukhoi Su22 M3/M4 model kit. To pay us back for the produced sets, Amaru allowed us make our own and slightly altered version of the set and make it available in our own range. While the resin cast exhaust nozzle with separate afterburner rings is rather tricky to assemble indeed, we have swapped it for a one-piece 3D-printed item. The decal sheet caters for three markings, the first of which is of a Soviet Air Force (VVS USSR) machine, then we have a South Yemen Sukhoi and the final option is a Libyan Nation Air Force jet.


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