FR0050 Spad 510 ‘At war’ and SH72136 Ju 87A ‘Anton in Luftwaffe Service’ - available again

  There is an agreement between us and Azur/Frrom of France that some (just a few really) of the models we produce for them (the development paid for by them) can be placed on the domestic market.
Due to a failure at the printers, we got much smaller number of the 1/72 FR0050 Spad 510 ‘At war’ and it was not possible to make our batch available to Czech modellers. To fix the things a bit, do forgive us for making the FR0050 kit available in a bit different style box, just a plain white one with the boxart in the form of a sticker only. Well, the styrene items inside have been not affected, they are the very same really. 
The same way has been also chosen in the case of the SH72136 Ju 87A Stuka ‘Anton in Luftwaffe Service’ 1/72, the very last pieces of which are available just now and won't last long, believe me.


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