SH48217 Aero C-3B in 1/48 - inbox preview

As a kid, I desperately longed for a Siebel. Well, back then, it was known and available as the Aero C-3A model made by Kovozavody Prostejov (the only real ones, the original KP). Until the release of the Aero MB 200, the C-3A had been the only twin in Kovozavody's range. And I did built the model, in the tough times when the commies ruled and suffocated this country. And I still felt that something was missing from the kit as it was released - yes the nice dorsal gun turret known from the C-3B version. You know, the dreams should always come true and my desire to own the turret variety remained with me - the only thing is that now, being of much older age, I built only the quarterscale models. So, here we have it, a real, quarterscale Aero C-3B with that iconic gun turret of my youth :-)
The above mentioned model of the Aera C-3B can already be found on the hobby shop shelves or our e-shop, and the true contents of the box is here for you brought via the photos below. All the marking shemes here.


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